Honey Bees Quilt A Long - Week #1


Today we start with our 
Honey Bees Art Quilt

This quilt measures 38x52" (130 x 90cm) and is on the Easy Intermediate Level

Our weekly chart will show which parts of the quilt we will be making.
As you can see, we start with the Queen Bee's face.

 I printed out my large size design and colour numbering guide, so that I could get a real good look at what I was doing. If you feel this is too much for your printer, then just keep the file open on your computer screen and have a look at the face and eyes close up from there.

As usual I will start by lying the pieces onto my desk, write the names of the colours into the sections and then lets get going....

The face is so dang cute! Im sorry I didnt add big eyelashes to the pattern. I can always add then doing the FMQ later.

 And now we get to Piece R
a problem child...

 The numbering went up the creek, so we will all need to take a scissors, cut piece #6 and #7 along the line off from the rest of the piece. Now it will work. But please remember to add a seam to both sides when sewing. Then, sew the two finished pieces back together again. Problem solved.

Soon all the smaller parts are joined together and then its only the larger pieces that need to be sewn together too.

I leave my paper on the back until the quilt is finished so that I can match up seams that come later on...
Really up to you how you tackle it.

 My top corner of the quilt - the Queen.

I hope you all have loads of fun sewing this Art Quilt together.

If you would still like to join us then -
Honey Bees Info HERE


 Thanks for stopping by!

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