Beginner BoM August

 Hello! and Welcome

Today we carry on with our Beginner Block of the Month
We really are so close to finishing up you can almost taste it....
The BoM for August is our #8 on the plan. We need to make TWO of these blocks.

This is our block for August - 3 Stars.
By now you have really had every kind of beginner block thrown at you. You are all stars for sticking to it. You can make your block any which way you'd like - scrappy, patterned, plain - I'm sure they are going to be lovely!

I"m really sorry I can't show you all how to put it all together in photos - its because I just can't sew anything right about now. My "frozen shoulder" is really painful and my arm is 'trapped' against the side of my body so everything I do has to be done by my 'stupid - but trying hard' left hand.

The instructions to make your block are really easy:

* you cut out your pieces of the pattern
l* lie them out in front of you and write onto the piece which colour fabric you'd like to use.
* Sew them up as per usual - nothing too difficult here
* Join them up and join them to the body of your quilt.
** You can sew the top and bottom rows together already but the middle section of the quilt will have to wait just a little for the large center block.

I made a 'simulation' of the images for the beginner blocks into a virtual quilt.

The quick links to the patterns are on the Beg BOM page HERE

Have fun making your quilts!

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