Block of the Month September

Today we're going to be doing our Oceans Block of the Month because ...
tomorrow I'm participating in the EQ Seasons Row a Long.  

So many things..... so little much FUN!!

This block is our 9th block and sadly our final block in the Oceans BOM '15.
Our September block is a - Blue Fin Tuna

The block measures 14" (37 cm) and is on the Intermediate (lots of patience) level
This block is not harder than the others....

The drill is the same as with every other block.
* Cut the pattern pieces out, lay them out before you
* Write onto them the colours you would like to use or make a small colour chart swatch thingie to help you remember.
* Sew the pieces and then follow the instructions on putting all the pieces together.
* Iron your bulky seams open
* Breathe....
* Have FUN!

Our September block was kindly made for me by Jan from Sew Surprising. 
Thanks so much! You're really kind and generous. The arm thanks you too....

This is the section just before the tail. The Tuna has small yellow coloured fins before the tail.

Here the fins look amazing, but if you prefer you can just leave them out and make the section plain.

With a plainer background they might stand out more.

Here is our finished block - a wonderful Blue Fin Tuna.
Isn't the background fabric just fabulous?? 
I love it! It has a feel of the fish swimming near the coral.

 Our Oceans BOM '15 Line-Up.

I really hope you all had FUN making these blocks and create a very exciting quilt.

Ladies have asked me to make a few other ocean type blocks because they want to make a larger quilt, so throughout the next few months I will make a block here and there and add it to my Craftsy shop. You will just have to be on the look out for them.

At a later date I will have a HUGE Block of the Month link up and Show and Tell for everyone to show their quilts and ooooogle at everyone else's too. Probably some time in November.
Will let you know when....

The block is Free for September in my Craftsy Shop
I hope you all enjoy making this one too

You can find more info and the Quick Links Here

Winner for Friday Link Up = Link #5
Congrats! Let me know and I'll send you off a PDF straight away..
Thanks to everyone for linking up.

Have a Lovely Monday!

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