Lake Quilt a Long #9

Lake Quilt a Long

Wow Week #9
Almost there ladies....

Photos are property of Karin Pope of the UK who has graciously gone before all of us and tested the pattern for me. Thanks Karin, the photos are great as usual with clear details.

This week we don't have a ton of work.

the large orange fish is your only piece this week.

Cut out the templates and write onto them the colour choices you have made. You can change up the colours just as you like.

A friend in Netherlands - Esther Frenzel, was showing me her paperclips  with numbers on them - need some - to keep all my fabrics in check....

 A little piece of tape with some info on works just as well. Just make sure its not that super sticky kind that will leave a mark no matter how many washes it gets......

Or you could also just cut a small swatch and tape it to a page with info written next to each piece.

Preparation takes up just as much time as sewing but believe me - its really important and totally worth all that trouble in the end.

As usual you can go ahead and cut out your fabric chunks or cut strips and take pieces from it - really up to you.

then its onto the sewing portion of our day....

Sew the sections before joining them.

You may need to press your seams open in the back to eliminate the bulk.

 Here is our finished fish for Week 9 - simply gorgeous! 

You can go ahead and attach it to week 8 and his friend the goose.
only 1 week to go on this strip and another will be finished.

There is a Flikr group for Quilt Art Designs where you can link up a photo of your Lake or even Forest Quilt and we can all see the progress being made. Thanks.
Look on the right side info bar of the blog and click on the Flickr button.

Now it's your turn !!

 ** If you missed the previous weeks blog posts on how we put it all together, you can find them in the Art Quilt page - under the image of the Forest or the Lake. Each of the 12 weeks will also be posted there for others who will make their quilt a little later....


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